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The Office: Each Main Character's Best & Worst Workplace Decision

Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch was one of the most profitable and successful branches in the company on The Office. Some would say that's solely because of Michael Scott and the family atmosphere he created there. The daily problems the Scranton branch struggled with were unlike any other branches but somehow they managed.

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Some of the mistakes that were made were fireable offenses but the employees' good work outweighed their poor decisions. Without Scranton's hard work, Dunder Mifflin would have gone under years prior. However, even hard workers like Angela and Oscar had their down moments on the job. But just as quickly as they failed, they rose from the ashes with a vengeance.

10 Michael: Saved The Company From Being Downsized/Outting Oscar

Best: Michael saved the Scranton branch from closing numerous times. He tried his best in season 6's shareholder's meeting but he also won over a huge account in "The Client." Thanks to Michael's personable attitude, Dunder Mifflin became the new supplier of a nearby county.

Worst: Michael has done a ton of horrible things at the office but none was more damaging and soul-crushing than when he outted Oscar. Oscar's sexuality should have never been the topic of conversation at work and it scarred him deeply.

9 Pam: Saved The Branch From Creed/Becoming A Saleswoman

Best: When Creed became the interim regional manager, the entire branch became worried about its future. Creed didn't even know what he was supposed to do on a daily basis, so how was he going to run an entire branch? When Creed asked Pam to get their biggest client on the line, Pam knew he was going to ruin the company, so she pretended to be said company to save the branch.

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Worst: Pam has done small things that blew up in her face over the years but one of the worst decisions for her career was becoming a saleswoman. She was awful at sales and continuously at the bottom of the totem pole. It was great that she took a chance on something but sales was not the career move for her.

8 Dwight: He Won Over The White Pages/He Caused Stanley His Heart Attack

Best: In "The Whale," the women of the office trained Dwight to sell Dunder Mifflin to the new female CEO of the Scranton White Pages. Little did he know, the new CEO was Jan. Dwight had to think on his feet for how to re-sell Dunder Mifflin to a former, scorned employee, and it worked. With the help of Pam and Clark, Dwight made the sale.

Worst: Dwight has done countless careless things in the office. What's sad is that he thought they were good ideas at the time. He shot a gun in the office, trapped Meredith with a bat, and set the entire office into a panic by creating a fake fire. Stanely was so concerned that he had a heart attack!

7 Jim: Taking The Job In Stamford/He Took A Week Off Work

Best: The smartest thing Jim did for his career was take a chance and move to Stamford. He was given a fresh start and a promotion with a new title. He was finally able to get over Pam and focus on work instead of pranking Dwight.

RELATED: The Office: 5 Ways Jim Was The Real Villain Of The Show (& 5 Ways It Was Pam)

Worst: Aside from pranking Dwight every day, one of the worst things Jim did was lie to his co-workers about jury duty. After taking off a week from work, Jim showed up to the office and made an elaborate lie about the case he was a part of. In reality, he spent an entire week at home.

6 Angela: Keeping Kevin Away From The Numbers/Having A Love Affair In The Workplace

Best: As head of accounting, the smartest thing Angela did for the company was keeping serious matters out of Kevin's hands. Based on Kevin's performance, it's quite clear he has no place in the accounting department. By taking on most of the workload herself, Angela saved the company — even though she wasn't rewarded.

Worst: By having an affair with two men from the office, Angela tore Dunder Mifflin apart. She made her private life everyone's business and caused a rift between Dwight and Andy.

5 Andy: He Convinced David Wallace To Buy The Company/He Got Dwight Fired

Best: Andy wasn't the best salesman but he was powerful in his own way. It was thanks to him that David Wallace bought Dunder Mifflin back from Sabre and focused on paper again. After the debacle with Sabre's cheap printers, separating themselves from Sabre was a smart move.

Worst: It was thanks to Andy's prying that Michael assumed that Dwight was after his woman and his job. Michael felt like he had no choice but to fire Dwight because of what Andy told him. When the truth came out, Dwight was actually saving the company — not ruining Michael's career.

4 Creed: His New Year's Resolution/The Watermark

Best: Creed didn't do too many beneficial things at Dunder Mifflin. He didn't know his role and it's assumed that Creed Bratton wasn't even his real identity. But if there's one small shining moment of Creed's in the office, it's successfully completing his office New Year's resolution of doing a cartwheel.

Worst: One of the worst things Creed did in the office was not following up with his quality control duties. By ignoring his meeting with the distributors, an obscene watermark was added to thousands of pieces of paper. It could have lost Dunder Mifflin a ton of business.

3 Kevin: Confronting The Five Families/Keleven

Best: Kevin wasn't great at his job but he did celebrate small wins during his time at the Scranton branch. In "Chair Model," he was able to get Dunder Mifflin's parking spaces back from construction workers who were working on the business park. By having the meeting, Phyllis and co. no longer had to walk miles in the heat.

Worst: As sweet-natured as Kevin is, he was not good at his job. In the ninth season, it was revealed that he was fired. Oscar told his assistant that the accountants found out that Kevin made up a number (Keleven) that would magically make his math make sense...

2 Oscar: He Helped Michael With His Finances/Had An Affair With Angela's Husband

Best: Oscar was a great worker and one of the smartest in the office but one of the best things he could have done was help Michael with his own finances. He explained to Michael what a surplus was and showed him the benefits of filing for bankruptcy.

Worst: There weren't too many times Oscar misbehaved but one of the worst things he has done was kiss Angela's husband while at the office. The senator showed up for the Halloween party and the two slipped away. It was then that Kevin and the camera crew caught them in the act.

1 Ryan: Dunder Mifflin Infinity/Committing Fraud

Best: When Ryan was promoted to a corporate position, he was in charge of creating Dunder Mifflin's new and improved website: Dunder Mifflin Infinity. It was created to make ordering from Dunder Mifflin easier for customers. The idea was crisp and bright for the time; it just didn't work out.

Worst: Speaking of Dunder Mifflin Infinity, while the idea was Ryan's greatest, it was also his downfall. When his numbers weren't reaching the level he expected, he falsified the sales, which mislead the shareholders. Ryan was later arrested for fraud and his website wasn't brought up again.

NEXT: The Office: 10 Of The Saddest Things About Ryan

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