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Twilight: Characters That Should Have Been Best Friends

While Twilight's romance is great, the story could have been more interesting if it focused on other relationships, especially friendships, instead of just the main love story.

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Overall, even big fans of the series agree there are areas where it could have been improved, but they also feel there are things about the series that aren’t as bad as people say. Still, these are characters that definitely should have met or interacted more.

10 Esme Cullen and Renée Dwyer

As the two main mothers in the series, these two should have gotten the chance to interact. While they are both matriarchs of their families, they don’t really talk, even though they would have met at Bella and Edward’s wedding.

While they do have different personalities, they do have a lot of things in common in that they both care about their children and seem to be rather caring people. It would have been nice if both of these characters had been given a bit more to do.

9 Victoria and Jane

The Twilight series does have some rather fascinating villains, and while many of the villains are men, there are some notable and terrifying female protagonists, too.

The scariest of these by far are Victoria and Jane. While they are different and have quite different methods of wreaking havoc, they are both rather cruel. Of course, Jane is one of the Volturi who helps enforce the rules for all vampires, so the interactions between these two could have been very interesting.

8 Emmett Cullen and Quil and Embry

Given the entire conflict between the vampires and the werewolves, there aren’t really many friendships between a lot of the main characters, but this is kind of a shame. While they do have to work together to fight against the newborn army in Eclipse, the shapeshifters especially don’t like or trust the Cullens, and it’s hard to blame them.

However, if things were different, Emmett seems like he would have gotten along well with this pair of friends as all three of them are pretty good-hearted and good-natured and like to have fun.

7 Alice Cullen and Angela Weber

While we do see Bella interact somewhat with some of her human friends, she mostly leaves them in the dust once she meets Edward. While vampires mostly have to stay away from humans so as to not tip them off to their supernatural identity, it’s kind of a shame because Alice and Angela would have been a great pair.

RELATED: Twilight Saga: 10 Scenes That Make Fans Cringe

Alice is a thoughtful, upbeat person who makes a good friend, and Angela is a kind individual who could really use one. She’s not treated the best in her group of friends, and she deserved more of a storyline in the first place.

6 Rosalie Hale and Leah Clearwater

While these two characters seem vastly different in many ways, and they are, they do have some common ground. Both of them have interesting storylines that aren’t explored enough, and they both get treated rather poorly and cast as difficult and moody women.

Rosalie is someone who had a traumatic past, and Leah is also a woman who has also struggled. In these ways, they could actually probably relate quite a bit.

5 Charlie Swan and Carlisle Cullen

The two main dads in the series are well-loved by fans, and it’s hard for many people to decide which of these characters they like better. These two have very different personalities, but they do have respect for one another.

RELATED: Twilight: 5 Reasons Alice is the Best Cullen (& 5 Why It’s Carlisle)

It would have been nice to see them interact more as they could have gotten along well. Carlisle is very gracious and would make Charlie feel comfortable. And, since they would spend time around each other as they share a granddaughter, it makes sense for them to be buds.

4 Edward Cullen and Garrett

Because the story centers so much around Bella and Edward, and also around Jacob and Bella, most other characters don’t get a lot of scenes. Of all the other vampires introduced in Breaking Dawn, Garrett is one of the most interesting and well-liked by fans.

And, truthfully, Edward is kind of a loner who only really has Bella and his family. He could really use a friend.

3 Renesmee and literally anyone her own age

Renesmee's storyline is complicated. It doesn’t make any sense that she ages so quickly and then, once she reaches “adulthood” she stops aging.

But, either way, it seems like she’s never allowed to have any friends her own age. She doesn’t get to interact with other children or teens, and she definitely deserves to have some normalcy in her life.

2 Bella Swan and Angela Weber

While Angela was mentioned already in this list, she’s being brought up again because it would have made much more sense for her and Bella to become closer friends than Bella and Jessica.

While Bella spends more time with Jessica in the books, Jessica isn’t really the greatest friend, and they don’t have much in common. Angela is also a bit more book smart and quiet, so they could have gotten along well.

1 Jacob and Edward

Although the friendship with Jacob and Edward definitely started off on the wrong foot, they do come around to one another eventually. While both their relationships with Bella are prioritized it would have been interesting to get a truly developed friendship between them both.

While they seem pretty opposite, that can actually be beneficial in a friendship, once there's no longer animosity. Fans get glimpses of it in the movies, but it would have been fun to see more of these two engaged in conversation about a topic other than Bella.

NEXT: 10 Things From Twilight That Haven't Aged Well

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