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WandaVision's Infinity Stones Power Color Theory, Explained

Warning: Spoilers for WandaVision ahead.

In an interesting (and likely unintentional) parallel, the color signatures of the magic users and magic-adjacent people in WandaVision roughly line up with the colors of the Infinity Stones, with similar powers to match. When the series first started, Wanda, a.k.a. Scarlet Witch, was the only magic user, and Vision also had powers. But as the series has progressed, their perfect sitcom suburbia of Westview has started to become populated with all sorts of superpowered individuals, and they each bring with them a signature color when wielding their powers.

The first three phases of the MCU are considered the "Infinity Saga" and dealt with the overarching story of Thanos collecting the Infinity Stones to wield the Infinity Gauntlet and wipe out half of life in the universe. Each Infinity Stone had its own color and signature power. The Space Stone is blue, the Reality Stone is red, the Power Stone is purple, the Time Stone is green, the Mind Stone is yellow and the Soul Stone is orange. Each one was insanely powerful on its own, so powerful, in fact, that just touching one was fatal to most creatures in the universe save for the most powerful beings. However, the stones, and the gauntlet itself, were ostensibly destroyed in Avengers: Endgame when Tony Stark stole the Infinity Gauntlet and reversed the destruction of Thanos's snap.

Related: WandaVision Commercials Are The Infinity Stones: Fan Theory Explained

Still, the Infinity Stones were incredibly powerful creations, forged from the Big Bang itself. Assuming the MCU hasn't chosen to completely obliterate the basic concepts of physics, the first law of thermodynamics, a.k.a. the law of conservation of energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but only transformed or transferred from one form to another. Even with Stark undoing Thanos's manifestation of half the universe being destroyed, it's hard to imagine the Infinity Stone just vanished. All that power and potential has to go somewhere. While the signature colors of each powered adult in WandaVision is almost certainly a stylistic choice by the production design, it's still interesting to see how the adult characters in the Disney+ series are lining up with an Infinity Stone counterpart in a neat little parallel.

Throughout the MCU, Wanda's magic as Scarlet Witch has manifested in hues of red. Of course, that's her signature color in the comic books and the hue of her aptly-named superhero moniker. But that's exactly why it was always fascinating and a bit odd that she gained her powers from the yellow Mind Stone in the MCU. Initially, it made sense considering her live-action origin story and background, but it didn't line up with her traditional powers in the comics.

With the arrival of WandaVision, however, Wanda has finally grown into her true reality-warping Scarlet Witch powers. Putting it frankly, she acts far more like the Reality Stone than the Reality Stone itself has operated in the MCU so far, with it first appearing in Thor: The Dark World but not actually appearing to alter reality in any way. With Wanda's formidable ability to change and transform reality, she's almost become something akin to a manifestation of the Reality Stone itself.

Vision easily draws the most direct parallel between an Infinity Stone and his powers. The Mind Stone currently in Vision's forehead may have given Scarlet Witch her powers but it gave Vision actual life. It is the stone embedded in his head that powers him and gives him consciousness and free will. As a result, his powers manifest in a golden hue, which makes perfect sense considering where he draws his energy from.

Related: Infinity War: How Powerful Vision Would Be With The Mind Stone Removed

However, something interesting has happened to Vision in WandaVision – beyond him being dead and then resurrected. In the MCU movies to date, Vision's powers have been shown to be more science and physics-based, with the ability to shoot a beam of powerful energy from the Mind Stone in his head and to change his molecular structure in order to phase through solid objects. In WandaVision, his powers operate a lot more like magic, and they're all mind-based, exactly as Scarlet Witch's used to be. He still has the power of flight, but outside of that, every time he's used his power in WandaVision, it's been in his signature shade of yellow and has dealt directly with affecting people's minds, whether to pull them out of the fog of magical mind control or to subdue them again. In that sense, he's seemed to become an extension of the Mind Stone that powers him.

In some ways, Agnes, who was revealed to be the ancient witch Agatha Harkness in WandaVision episode 7, has a tie to the Infinity Stones that appears to be merely symbolic on the surface. She is, after all, the one in control of Westview and so she's the one who holds all the power. The purple of her magic at work thus symbolically aligns with the idea of the Power Stone.

However, Agatha has shown herself to be quite directly manifesting power, as well. Episode 7 revealed Westview to be a nexus, a source of great power in the Marvel comics, which perhaps explains why Wanda's powers have suddenly exponentially increased in significant ways. The episode also showed that Agatha was drawing directly from it, with the purple tendrils of her magic sinking roots into the nexus and appearing to draw strength directly from the magical hub – and it has made her powerful, indeed. Numerous times, Wanda has defended herself to Vision, explaining that though she could control many things, she is in no way strong enough to control every single person in town. Agatha, as it turns out, is. It's a display of raw magical power that is unprecedented in the MCU, and Agatha drawing power from the nexus has turned her into something almost like a battery of magical energy, or a manifestation of the raw potential of the Power Stone.

At first glance, Monica Rambeau doesn't appear to be particularly magical in her origins. It was confirmed earlier that, instead, passing through Scarlet Witch's Hex barrier had started to rewrite her DNA. But in a way, Monica as a superhero is a creation of Scarlet Witch, if only secondhand. It was Wanda's Hex that started to mutate Monica, so one could argue Monica Rambeau's powers are magic-adjacent. It's also worth noting that the Hex was formed not of pure manifested magic, but of something identified as containing cosmic microwave background radiation.

Related: Monica's Powers Explained: Could She Beat Scarlet Witch?

As such, it makes sense for Monica's powers to parallel the Space Stone. While she doesn't manifest an internal power signature, nonetheless, episode 7 revealed that her eyes turn a shade of brilliant blue when she's using her new, energy-based powers. Monica is now essentially a living representation of a different meaning of "space," not of space as in distance, but space as in outer space. She has strong ties to astrophysics and aeronautical work with S.W.O.R.D., and, indeed, has had a link to outer space ever since she was a girl having a history with Carol Danvers. She dresses in a spacesuit and drives a S.W.O.R.D. space rover into the Hex barrier in the attempt that finally rewrote her DNA and gave her powers for good. Those powers were caused by cosmic radiation and manifest similarly. Everything about Monica Rambeau makes her a child of space, and thus the perfect avatar of the Space Stone.

That leaves just two Infinity Stone energies unaccounted for.

If one accepts the idea that certain characters in the MCU have turned into the manifestations of the destroyed Infinity Stones, or, perhaps more accurately, the new containers for that power, it means two more stones have yet to be rehoused: The Soul Stone and the Time Stone. It's a fair guess to believe the Time Stone will once again end up with Doctor Strange, whose powers are vast and thus physically manifest in a multifold number of ways. Still, the good doctor's magical powers have often been the same shade of green as the Time Stone he wore around his neck, especially if he was using it to tap into any time-based magic. His regular magical "shield" may be a golden-yellow color, but anything related to time magic is always marked in emerald green.

The reemergence of the Soul Stone is somewhat harder to predict, as no character currently in the MCU has an obvious link to it or any soul-based powers or magical abilities. However, Mephisto has been referenced throughout WandaVision, perhaps even as the overarching villain of MCU Phase 4, and his entire raison d'être is the harvesting and enslavement of human souls. Of the Infinity Stones shown thus far in the MCU, the Soul Stone has been the least explored. Thanos acquired it but then immediately added it to the Infinity Gauntlet; it was the only one of the stones to not get a separate showing of its power or how exactly it could be used. Still, its energy is still arguably floating out there in the cosmic ether; it's only a matter of time before it reappears in a new form. Mephisto, as a hell dimension-based demon whose fiery powers have been depicted in the comics hundreds of times as orange flames, would be a powerfully fitting vessel for the Soul Stone. Whether it happens in WandaVision or an upcoming MCU Phase 4 movie or TV show remains to be seen, and, again, it's entirely probable the colors are just a stylistic choice on behalf of the art department. Still, it's fascinating that such a strong parallel can be drawn between the characters positioned as being some of the most powerful in the MCU at the moment, if not moving forward, and the Infinity Stones.

More: Where Did The Twins Go? Mephisto Comic Links Explained

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