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Kamala will heighten risk of global war

THE US presidential debate the other day between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris has bolstered what only a few have feared. Harris will continue the US’ efforts to remain the globe’s hegemon, to the extent of undertaking belligerent moves to push back the growth of its two main competitors, China and Russia.

I base my conclusion on her statement during the debate:

“The reality is, it has been about standing as America always should, as a leader upholding international rules and norms. As a leader who shows strength, understanding that the alliances we have around the world are dependent on our ability to look out for our friends and not favor our enemies because you adore strongmen instead of caring about democracy.”

She added: “And that is very much what is at stake here. The President of the United States is commander-in-chief. And the American people have a right to rely on a president who understands the significance of America’s role and responsibility in terms of ensuring that there is stability and ensuring we stand up for our principles and not sell them for the benefit of personal flattery.”

While those statements may not mean much to the layman, and her use of motherhood statements even admired, those actually make up the propaganda line for the US to defend its world hegemony, as a leader “upholding rules and norms” as well as spreading “democracy.”


At the Democratic Party convention last month, Harris similarly said: “As president, I will never waver in defense of America’s security and ideals, because in the enduring struggle between democracy and tyranny, I know where I stand, and I know where the United States belongs.”

Harris sees the world as a dark, dangerous forest where, whether the other nations like it or not, the US will be imposing the kind of democratic order it wants.

Dig just a bit deeper at America’s self-proclaimed role of “ensuring world stability”: It has resulted in wars that have killed tens of millions of people. US hegemony has been built over bodies of millions of people in the Third World, and Harris, a babe in foreign policy, will merely continue Biden and the Deep State’s views of the world, as a dark forest.

For Harris, as she indicated in her statement, peace in the world equated with America’s hegemon, just as most empires in history had claimed. Rome justified its two centuries’ rule as the “Pax Romana” without which tribes all over Europe would have waged unending wars against each other.

The succeeding Holy Roman Empire added to that the myth that only under one King of Kings Jesus Christ will there be peace on earth; the UK claimed that their industrial knowledge and free trade would civilize all mankind. For the US now, mankind will prosper only under democracy and an international rule of law — which it solely interprets and imposes.


Thus for the US, China hasn’t been complying with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea rule of law, yet it turns a blind eye to Israel which has not given back, as it had promised to do decades ago, the Palestinian Gaza Strip and West Bank. It condemns the violence that China purportedly used against Philippine vessels yet is quiet on the 42,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, that the Israelis have killed. Why, it has even funded Israel just this year with $250 million in a special allocation so the Israeli Defense Force won’t run of bombs to do that.

Harris, if victorious, will get to the Oval Office months from now, yet in the debate, she insults the leader of the world’s new superpower, that is most likely the country that will go to war with the US. Harris blamed Chinese leader Xi Jinping “for … not giving us transparency about the origins of Covid.” It is certainly ironic for Harris to say that at this time, when it was revealed recently that US intelligence services had spread fake news claiming that Chinese vaccines were ineffective.

Harris was reacting to a social media post made by Trump in mid-2020 at the height of the pandemic: “China has been working very hard to contain the coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American people, I want to thank President Xi!”

Harris blamed Trump for being soft on China. That view does not bode well for us in this remote part of their world. Would Harris order her military “not to be soft on China” and have the US 7th Fleet anchor in the middle of the South China Sea, and as our Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. has been begging the Americans to do, have US vessels escort the Philippine Coast Guard’s vessels?


As the acclaimed political scientist John Mearsheimer has been pointing out, relations between and among nations are essentially selfish: Each bases its actions for its own gain. Harris appears though to be so brainwashed in the American ideology that it is humanity’s “leader upholding international rules and norms.”

Her worldview will allow her to order an attack against a nation that is not complying with the international rules and norms — which would indisputably lead to global thermonuclear war. Worse, Harris has been in her professional life mostly a prosecutor, whose mindset is to see the world in black and white, and people as either evil or good. That is precisely what diplomacy is not.

Harris will likely be focusing on domestic policy, leaving foreign policy to the cabal — Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Adviser Kurt Campbell and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin — that has worsened the world’s instability, pushing the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists’ famous Doomsday Clock from 2.5 minutes to midnight (global extinction) in 2017 during Trump’s presidency, to 90 minutes to nuclear war in January 2024.

Trump, on the other hand, has been a businessman all his life, and he would approach other nations as he would have dealt with other businessmen, i.e., to make a deal. I suspect he saw North Korea as a place where his family for years now would build a Trump Tower. Harris would see that country solely as one to be disarmed. Trump may be a con man; but that’s far, far better than a Warrior for Democracy.


If you never heard of the US being warlike, follows are some of the wars the US instigated or waged to establish “the international rule of law,” aka American hegemony, which had prompted President Jimmy Carter to remark: “The US is the most warlike nation in the history of the world.” Harris will only be following US tradition.

– The Philippine-American War (1899-1902), in which the US killed 250,000 Filipino civilians and 20,000 soldiers. The US lost 5,000 soldiers. (President McKinley wrote in his diary: “One night, God Almighty told me that there was nothing left but to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize, and Christianize them, and by God’s grace do the very best we could by them, as our fellow men for whom Christ also died.”

– The Vietnam War (1955-1975). The US heavily escalated its involvement in Vietnam to prevent the spread of communism, fighting alongside South Vietnam against the communist North Vietnamese government and the Viet Cong. This conflict resulted in significant casualties and is considered one of the most controversial US wars.

– Invasion of Grenada (1983). The US invaded Grenada after a military coup, citing concerns over the safety of American citizens and the presence of a Marxist government. The intervention was widely criticized internationally.

– Invasion of Panama (1989-1990). The US launched an invasion to remove Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega, citing his involvement in drug trafficking and the need to safeguard the Panama Canal.

– War in Afghanistan (2001-2021). After the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the US invaded Afghanistan to dismantle the Taliban regime and eliminate al-Qaida, which had used the country as a base. This led to a 20-year conflict that ended with the US withdrawal in 2021, marking one of the longest US military engagements.

– Iraq War (2003-2011). The US invaded Iraq, citing concerns over weapons of mass destruction, which were later found to be nonexistent. The conflict resulted in the toppling of the Saddam Hussein regime and triggered years of sectarian violence and instability in the region.

– Libya intervention (2011). The US, along with NATO allies, intervened in Libya during the Arab Spring, supporting rebels against Muammar Gaddafi. The intervention led to Gaddafi’s fall, but the country has since experienced instability and civil conflict.

– Syria (2014-present). The US has been involved in the Syrian civil war, primarily by supporting various rebel groups and fighting IS. US involvement, while not a full-scale war, has included airstrikes, training rebels and a small number of ground forces.

– Yemen (indirect, 2015-present). While the US is not directly involved in Yemen’s civil war, it has supported Saudi Arabia’s military intervention by providing intelligence, logistical support and weapons. The war in Yemen has resulted in one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises.

Facebook: Rigoberto Tiglao

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The post Kamala will heighten risk of global war first appeared on Rigoberto Tiglao.

Kamala will heighten risk of global war
Source: Breaking News PH

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