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Avatar: The Last Airbender - The 10 Best Things Sokka Ever Did

The team from Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the most close-knit and diverse in skill-set. They continually face ups and downs throughout the series and each brings their own unique personality to planning and saving the world. Sokka brings a lot of strategy and sarcasm to the team.

RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender - The 10 Worst Things Sokka Ever Did

Sokka starts out as a brave yet mouthy older brother and develops into the strategic, boomerang-loving, and always goofy, swordsman and planner of the group. He becomes the "idea guy" at a certain point and begins to understand the complexities of this world-saving adventure "Team Avatar" is on.

10 Protecting His Village

Sokka protected his village without hesitation when the Fire Nation came seeking the Avatar.

He may not have been successful but he was brave and unbending. He even threw his boomerang at Zuko and when it seemed like that action was pointless, the boomerang came back at the perfect angle to hit Prince Zuko in the back of the head. Sokka continued to exemplify his courage throughout the series.

9 Water-Bending Scroll For Katara

Katara, Aang, and Sokka are in need of supplies and Aang is always a sucker for things like, "exotic curios" as a local pirate advertises in Season 1, Episode 9. They find a water-bending scroll aboard but unaffordable, so Katara steals it.

Zuko finds the crew later and steals it from Katara and a battle ensues when Team Avatar tries to escape. Even after picking on Katara for wanting the scroll so badly, Sokka was still the loving big brother and got it back for her amidst all the chaos.

8 Learning The Art Of Kyoshi Warriors

Sokka started out hesitant and judgemental when it came to things he didn't understand, like Kyoshi Warriors and why they were women. Instead of continuing on this judgemental path, he humbled himself and asked Suki to teach him the art of Kyoshi fighting style.

He did not just ask Suki to teach him skills, he wore the garb, used the fans, and put on the makeup to fully immerse himself in the teachings.

7 Protecting Aang From General Fong

After needing to figure out why and how Aang goes into the Avatar State, Katara, Aang, and Sokka employ the help of the Earth Kingdom General Fong because he refuses to help them get to an Earth King until they expose the Avatar State.

General Fong puts Katara in danger and buries her beneath the dirt, pushing Aang into the Avatar State. Aang releases momentary destruction onto the training camp and the General still wants to keep pushing him. Instead of allowing that to happen, Sokka rides up at just the right moment and bops Fong on the head so they can leave in peace.

6 The Idea Guy

Sokka first encounters that he may have pretty good ideas when the team visits the temple to talk to Avatar Roku because he thinks of the makeshift fire-bombs. He truly discovers his abilities when they get to the Northern Air Temple.

Sokka helps The Mechanist right away problem-solving his inventions. He discovers how to help the hot air balloon maneuver rather than just float away and that helps the team temporarily defeat the Fire Nation. He continues to fulfill the role of "the idea guy" for the rest of the series.

5 Cactus Juice

Team Avatar is trapped in the middle of the desert, Appa was stolen, Aang flew off to look for him, and Toph, Katara, Momo, and Sokka are thirsty and running out of water. Aside from this being one of the most iconic storylines for Sokka, it's one of his best moments because there is always time for him to do something wacky even when they're in potential danger.

RELATED: Avatar: 10 Funniest Things Sokka Moments

Sokka sees a cactus and slices into it without hesitation. He doesn't take a second to consider that cactus juice might not be regular water and starts taking big gulps of it. A few moments later, Sokka is getting goofier than usual and hallucinating. It takes a while for the juice to wear off and at one point he even sees a big puff of sand that Aang created from far away and calls it a "friendly mushroom." Viewers can always depend on Sokka for a laugh.

4 Defending Katara

After infiltrating the Fire Nation, Katara and Toph start to butt heads. They get caught up and fight with each other instead of training Aang.

After Sokka realizes this isn't just a small tiff, he sits down with Toph and explains the pressure that Katara has been under since they lost their mom. He also shows how much Katara really means to him.

3 Becoming A Swordsman

After beating himself up for not being a bender, Sokka truly finds his ability and sense of self when he trains to be a master swordsman.

RELATED: The Last Airbender: Sokka's 5 Greatest Strength's (& His 5 Weaknesses)

He not only admits to his faults but dedicates himself to learning the art of sword-fighting. After much hard work, Sokka crafts his own sword. He also admits to his swordmaster who he really is.

2 Day Of The Black Sun

Sokka and Katara ran into their dad along their journeys and when they came to realize they would have to face the Fire Nation head-on, Sokka asked his dad to find all sorts of people they encountered on their journeying.

His dad gets injured during this battle and Sokka continues to fight, proving once and for all how much like his dad he truly is. Probably one of his most courageous moments, he not only strategized this attack but took on a leadership role.

1 Taking Out Combustion Man

Sokka dubbed this new bender, Combustion Man for his ability to make things explode through his third eye tattoo.

Taking a lesson from Ty Lee and her ability to remove chi by targeted pressure points, Sokka throws his boomerang and hits Combustion Man on the tattoo. This hit removes the enemy's advantage and Sokka shows how truly skilled he has become.

NEXT: The Last Airbender: 5 Times Sokka Was Inspiring (& 5 Times Fans Felt Sorry For Him)

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