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10 Most Questionable Life Choices Main Characters Made In Avatar: The Last Airbender

The characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender are so dynamic and well-written that fans of all ages love them. While the protagonists, especially Team Avatar, are very well-liked, many of the antagonists are also engaging and given believable arcs. And, since the characters are all given flaws and weaknesses, even if they are the heroes, they do make mistakes.

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While some of the bad choices and questionable decisions are much worse than others, even the most “good” characters aren’t immune from poor reactions. Here are the worst choices the main characters made that had fans shaking their heads.

10 Iroh’s history as a war criminal

While this is actually one of the worst things on this list, it’s lower in priority because it did happen years before the series actually took place. The truth is that Iroh was very involved in the destruction and violence that the Fire Nation inflicted upon the rest of the world, and his siege of Ba Sing Se is one of the most notable examples of this.

While he does realize the error of his ways, it took him well into his adult life to do so.

9 Toph being too careless about the scams

Toph is a fan-favorite character because she’s pretty unapologetic about her choices, and she’s also a total badass. However, because she was raised in such a strict and repressive household, she overcorrects anytime anyone tries to tell her what to do. Because of this, she butts heads a lot with Katara as Katara likes to tell others what to do.

So, she ends up taking the scams she’s pulling the Fire Nation a bit too far. Luckily, things turn out all right.

8 When Zuko stole from the Earth Kingdom family that helped him

One of the best episodes from season two of The Last Airbender is “Zuko Alone.” In this episode fans start to see how Zuko is working through the lies he was told about the rest of the world, and he’s slowly starting to put the pieces together.

However, he still isn’t a good person. After he is given food and shelter from the Earth Kingdom family for protecting their son, he turns around and steals from them. It made sense given his character arc, but it was still hard to watch.

7 Sokka’s love life

If there’s one thing that gets fans riled up, it’s discussing opinions about romantic relationships and ships in the show. But, while people have their favorites, the character with the most confusing love life might be Sokka. This seems like an oversight on the part of the writers. Because, after introducing Suki as a love interest, Sokka falls hard for Yue very soon after.

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Then, he ends up dating Suki again not long after. While both Suki and Yue are great characters, it made Sokka not seem very loyal. And, since so many fans love Suki, it seemed like a misstep.

6 Katara thinking her grief was worse than anyone else’s

Katara is a good person overall, but she does have her weaknesses and flaws. She can be a bit too overbearing, and she can get too caught up in certain emotions. However, this doesn’t mean her emotions can’t be a strength, too.

But, one of the most frustrating things she does is to make grief only about herself. While her grief over her mother’s death and all that pain is understandable, she sometimes forgets that people like Sokka and Aang lost a lot, too.

5 Sokka’s early sexism

While Sokka after season one isn’t really like this, he was pretty dang sexist in the first season. He makes Katara do most of the work because it’s “woman’s work” while he plays at being a warrior.

He also is sexist toward the Kyoshi Warriors until Suki puts him in his place. Thankfully, he grows up and sees he was wrong, but it is hard to watch at times. And, since he’s such a great character overall, it is definitely one of his biggest flaws at first.

4 When Aang didn’t learn to control the Avatar State

While Aang is a gentle and compassionate person who tries very hard to help others, he isn’t perfect either. He has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders, and he’s so young that it’s hard to judge him too harshly. However, his most questionable choice was when his refusal to let go of Katara, even briefly, locked him out of the Avatar State.

RELATED: Avatar: The Last Airbender – The 10 Worst Things Aang Ever Did

This decision ended up having consequences later on in the story as he wasn’t able to fight against people like Azula and Ozai with his full power. Not having control over the Avatar State was a big deal, and if he was a little older, he might not have made that poor choice.

3 Zuko betraying Uncle Iroh

Zuko is one of the most interesting characters in some ways because he starts out as a clear villain and then becomes a hero and a part of Team Avatar. But, this redemption arc is done so well that it feels believable.

While Zuko did a lot of horrible things to others, especially in his pursuit of the Gaang, betraying Iroh was one of the worst. This is because Iroh had literally always been on his side, and yet Zuko betrayed him for Azula and Ozai who had only ever treated Zuko cruelly.

2 Azula wanting to kill Zuko

Azula is also an extremely fascinating character. She’s such a scary villain, but she’s also so young and clearly unwell. In one way, it’s easy to feel sympathy for her as she starts to break down, but the sympathy only extends so far.

She did so many bad things, and she never cared about hurting others, even those closest to her. But, perhaps the worst thing she did was to try to kill Zuko and multiple times at that.

1 Pretty much everything Ozai did

While it’s kind of a no-brainer, Ozai is a main character in a way even if he’s the main antagonist. He’s the most clear-cut villain in the story because he’s an adult who has more say in his choices, and he’s also not given as much nuance as his children.

He, along with his father and grandfather, committed genocide and tried to take over the entire world. So, his crimes against humanity are innumerable. And, he also was an abusive and horrible father.

NEXT: The Last Airbender: 10 Worst Things Firelord Ozai Did, Ranked

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